Hedva Firenci

HomeHedva Firenci

Hedva was born in Budapest, Hungary, where she studied for 6 years at the Budapest Art Academy, from which, in 1956, she graduated with honors. In 1960, she went to London for post graduate studies. Whilst there she participated in a number of exhibitions. In 1962 she settled in Israel and from 1986 she resides in New York. In 1964 she joined the organization of Artists and sculptors of Israel. Since then she has exhibited in numerous art shows put on by the organization. The style of her paintings is best described by the late Miriam Tal, the well known art critic. “Her realism is a far cry from naturalism, her work has a maturity, deep sincerity and compassion for her models. She is a superb draughtsman, her drawings are original and powerful-figurative as to the definition and characterization of the model, yet completely abstract as to the linear values and pattern. As an artist she reflects the inner personal character of her models while retaining her own personal style. This is particularly noticeable in her portraits of Mrs. Golda Meir, Mr. M. Begin, President Sadat, Mr. P. Sapir, Mr. Teddy Kollek and Mrs. Beate Klarsfeld”. Hedva Ferenci, as described by M.E.F. in an article in the World of Art “is a master of technique. Her pen and ink drawings are faultlessly executed, but done in very rapid strokes. The impression is that much thought went into preparation, while execution was carried out in one sharp fast session. Her pastels and oils are perfect in technique … she uses in her style chiaroscuro, which gives her subjects a solid but mysterious quality”. Her paintings are on exhibit in a number of galleries in Israel, Germany and the United States in the collection of Bank Societe Generale, Rockefeller Center, New York, in private collections, and in the permanent collection of the Museum of Jewish Art in Paris. read more